Our Targeted Asset Classes

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Collateralized Loan Obligation Mezzanine Debt and Equity Tranches ("CLOs")

A CLO is a form of structured finance security that is generally backed by a pool of corporate loans or similar corporate credit-related assets that serve as collateral. Most CLOs are issued in multiple tranches, offering investors various maturity and credit risk characteristics, often categorized as senior, mezzanine and subordinated/equity according to their relative seniority and degree of risk. If the relevant collateral defaults or otherwise underperforms, payments to the more senior tranches of such securitizations take precedence over those of more junior tranches, such as mezzanine debt and equity tranches, which are the focus of our CLO investment strategy.

Why CLOs?
Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

Residential Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates—Residential mortgage pass-through certificates represent interests in "pools" of mortgage loans secured by residential real property where payments of both interest and principal, plus prepayments, on the underlying residential mortgage loans are made monthly to holders of the certificates, in effect "passing through" monthly payments made by the individual borrowers on the mortgage loans that underlie the securities, net of fees paid to the issuer/guarantor and servicers of the securities.

Collateralized Mortgage Obligations—CMOs are structured instruments representing interests in specified mortgage loan collateral. CMO securitizations consist of multiple classes, or "tranches," of securities, with each tranche having specified characteristics based on the rules described in the securitization documents governing the division of the monthly principal and interest distributions, including prepayments, from the underlying mortgage collateral among the various tranches. IOs are CMOs that only receive interest payments while POs receive only principal payments.

TBAs—In addition to investing in specific pools of Agency RMBS, we utilize forward-settling purchases and sales of Agency RMBS where the underlying pools of mortgage loans are TBAs. Pursuant to these TBA transactions, we agree to purchase or sell, for future delivery, Agency RMBS with certain principal and interest terms and certain types of underlying collateral, but the particular Agency RMBS to be delivered is not identified until shortly before the TBA settlement date. TBAs are generally liquid and have quoted market prices and represent the most actively traded class of RMBS. TBA trading is based on the assumption that mortgage pools that are eligible to be delivered at TBA settlement are fungible and thus the specific mortgage pools to be delivered do not need to be explicitly identified at the time a trade is initiated. We engage in TBA transactions for purposes of managing interest rate risk, and we also opportunistically engage in TBA transactions because we find them attractive in their own right, from a relative value perspective or otherwise. For accounting purposes, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America, or "U.S. GAAP," we classify TBA transactions as derivatives.

Non-Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

We have acquired non-Agency RMBS backed by prime jumbo, Alt-A, non-QM, manufactured housing, subprime residential, and single-family-rental mortgage loans. Our non-Agency RMBS holdings include investment grade and non-investment grade classes, including non-rated classes. Non-Agency RMBS are debt obligations issued by private originators of, or investors in, residential mortgage loans. Non-Agency RMBS generally are issued as CMOs and are backed by pools of whole mortgage loans or by mortgage pass-through certificates. Non-Agency RMBS generally are in the form of senior/subordinated structures, or in the form of excess spread/over-collateralization structures. In senior/subordinated structures, the subordinated tranches generally absorb all losses on the underlying mortgage loans before any losses are borne by the senior tranches. In excess spread/over-collateralization structures, losses are first absorbed by any existing over-collateralization, then are borne by subordinated tranches and excess spread, which represents the difference between the interest payments received on the mortgage loans backing the RMBS and the interest due on the RMBS debt tranches, and finally are borne by senior tranches and any remaining excess spread.

Other Financial Assets

We also may from time to time opportunistically acquire other financial assets consistent with our investment objectives.